
Why Are There So Few Modern Asian Writers?

The Noodle Shop
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2020


Asian countries have a long history with the pen, or in this case — the brush. Oracle bones in China date back 3,500 years, and even newer civilizations like Japan can date back the written word to the 2nd century BC. The Chinese, in particular have given the world dozens upon dozens of lyrically perfected literature. A band of four, known as the “Four Classic Novels Of Chinese Literature” contains the infamous Romance of Three Kingdoms, and Journey to the West — stories and literature popularized by both Chinese and Western movie markets. Asides from story telling, China also has a wealth of historic documentation as the written word was highly looked upon no matter which dynasty ruled, or which warlord tormented. There was always an appreciation for the written word in Asia — until now.

The short answer is that writing just isn’t as profitable anymore, and lacks the pedigree it once held amongst Asian societies. Scholars have been replaced by bankers, and the 1.3 billion people in China have been financially better off for it. There’s an old saying in Chinese that you can’t feed an empty stomach with a book. While this may be true, it is also true that you can’t feed your soul with rice. So how did we get here? How did the great oriental nations of the east collectively decide to…



The Noodle Shop

The Unpuzzled is a publication covering news in cryptoland.